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Common Amenities

Alphacare provides a supportive and vibrant environment where residents can build meaningful relationships and foster a strong sense of community. We offer shared spaces, diverse social activities, volunteer opportunities, and caring staff.


Our community rooms, outdoor seating areas, and gardens provide opportunities for residents to socialize and engage with one another, while our social activities, such as cultural events, movie screenings, book clubs, and exercise classes, help residents connect and form strong bonds. Our caring and supportive staff members help facilitate social connections among residents and provide a sense of continuity and stability within the community.


Choose Alphacare for a warm and supportive retirement living community where you can live an independent and active lifestyle while being a part of a caring and engaging community.

Common dining room (100+ seating)

Fresh ground water availability

Hot & normal water availability

Easy access to high quality hospitals

Guest house for your relatives

Patient lifter system

Library and Media room

Badminton court

Prayer hall and chapel

Common Garden

24-hour Wi-Fi connectivity


Eco-friendly campus with a lot of trees

Swimming pool

Gym and health club

Electric car charging points

WhatsApp: + 91 98 47 17 40 74


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